Profile:Birth Name: Heather Joan Graham
Birth Date: January 29, 1970
Birth Place: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Height: 5' 8''
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Profession: Actress
Claim to fame : As Rollergirl/Brandy in "Boogie Nights" (1997)
Heather Graham Bio: Heather Graham was born on the 29th of January, 1970, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her father, Jim, worked for the FBI, specialising in anti-terrorism techniques, while her mother, Joan, was a successful children's author. Both were staunch Catholics. There'd be a younger sister, Aimee, who'd also turn to acting, appearing in the likes of From Dusk Till Dawn and Jackie Brown.

At school, young
Heather was not one of the popular crew. As said, she was mocked for her lack of breasts (they would come later. And keep coming), ignored by the boys and labelled a geek. More specifically, she was known as a "theatre geek". That acting bug had struck again. Heather's mother later recalled often finding her daughter behind the furniture, play-acting with her dollies.
Heather herself remembers seeing Raiders Of The Lost Ark and being intrigued by a love scene between Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. That, she says, was when she "fell in love with the movies and the opposite sex"
Following The Guru came Hope Springs, written by Charles Webb, author of The Graduate, a comedy romance where Colin Firth would play a British artist seeking peace in Vermont after being dumped by tempestuous Minnie Driver. Graham would be a flaky carer in an old people's home, a simple homegirl who sets out to seduce Firth, her plan going well till the devious Driver appears seeking to take Firth back. Then, four years after it was shot, came Alien Love Triangle, an episodic movie where Heather, as if to avoid her new sex symbol image, had a bald green head, black lenses and pointy ears. Courteney Cox would have fun here too, as Heather’s alien husband, trapped in a female body.
Heather Graham
Heather Graham
Heather Graham
Heather Graham